

  • Insect Anthropoid: The Prophetians are an insect anthropoid species, specifically of the mantis variety. This means they share characteristics with both insects and anthropoids, resembling mantises in their physical features.

  • Physiology: The Prophetians likely have an exoskeleton, compound eyes, and elongated limbs reminiscent of mantises. Their physical structure may allow for quick and precise movements.

  • Society and Hierarchy: The social structure of Prophetians may be hierarchical, possibly with a queen or leader at the top. They might have a complex system of communication involving pheromones and intricate body language.

  • Spiritual and Cultural Aspects: Given the name "Prophetian," it suggests a spiritual or prophetic aspect to their culture. They might have a deep connection to visions, dreams, or prophecies that guide their actions. Their cultural practices could involve rituals and ceremonies related to their beliefs.

  • Technology: The technological level of the Prophetians can vary. They might have developed advanced bio-technologies or harness the power of natural elements. Their architecture could incorporate organic materials.

  • Interaction with Other Species: Depending on the context of the DTGVerse, the Prophetians may have different relationships with other species. They could be reclusive and focused on their own affairs, or they might actively engage in diplomatic relations and trade.

Dean Goulder