The Guardians of the Veil

The Guardians of the Veil are a near-mythical knighthood, scattered across dimensions and time, attempting to contain the darkest forces of The Dim from breaching normal space.

The Guardians of the Veil are a secret military order, stealthily serving to counter the threat of The Dim. Whether it's entering The Dim to rescue lost souls, defending natural tears between realities, or hunting down those who purposely seek to enter or exit this dark reality, the Guardians are there.

Their technology is derived from ancient Precursor artifacts, and from insights gained by new additions to their ranks. And also from another, far stranger source: knowledge gained by accessing a lost and corrupted Precursor Automata trapped within The Dim, their memories still percolating to the surface…

Thanks to these insights, the Guardians have developed armor capable of withstanding the corrupting influence of the Dim, making them able to withstand it’s strange warping properties.

Their most distinctive weapon is their Guardian Steels, deadly swords with an integrated Dimensional Tear Generator. One swipe of the blade, and a Guardian can leap through a portal between dimensions. Tunneling through the Dim, they can disappear and reappear across the vast distances of normal space without the need for a voidship.


It’s unknown how Guardians choose new members - it’s a rare event, as their affinity for the Dim and its anomalous properties have kept some Guardians alive for centuries. Existing outside of the regular flow of time, Guardians may come from worlds and eras long since lost in normal space.

According to legend, the Guardians are based on a heroic band from ancient Precursor history, warriors who first accessed The Dim - and battled the darkness inside. There’s some truth to this: the corrupted Precursor at the heart of their operation, itself subsumed into but somehow partially-resistant to The Dim - hails from that ancient organization. While no longer “alive” in the traditional sense, this Precursor’s memories and knowledge live on within the Guardians’ training and doctrine. And there may be more of that primordial being than most would suspect…

The first Guardian is said to have accessed The Dim during the “Year Zero,” the start of the modern era when gateways between worlds were first opened. The first Guardian, known as “The Weaver,” was a fierce opponent of the Dim-worshipping Anathema, having herself come from a world they had victimized. The Weaver recruited new members from across space and time, many of them also brutalized by the treacherous witches. While she would be well-over twenty-thousand years old at this point, rumors persist that she is not dead, and not even gone… but somewhere in the space between worlds, the time between events, waiting. And always ready.

Chris Robertson