
The Skrau are a multi-species, loose-knit faction of… well, that’s kind of hard to say.

Skrau is: a lifestyle. 

Skrau is: a state of being. 

Skrau is: whatever the hell you want it to be.

Skrau's are nomads... sometimes. Skrau's are pirates... on occasion. Skrau's are bad... unless they're good. 

 The Skrau have no formal hierarchy; well, except when they decide someone needs to be in charge. Skrau form clan groups, who do... honestly, that's unclear. Seemingly the only condition for being made a Skrau is that you have to be useful in some way. Obviously, that's open to interpretation.

Skrau can be found all over, in hardened fortresses, cruising star lanes, and operating trading posts. Or living in tents, stealing hover cars, or operating sweat lodges. It really just depends.

 Skrau is: who knows?


Most Skrau clans operate on the fringes of society - often literally, as they’re usually tolerated, at best. The more successful groups have ingratiated themselves with the locals somehow; Clan Bellyroot on Nimpath runs a well-regarded distillery with a thriving export business. Clan Tender Tree is famous for maintaining a garden full of medicinal herbs, which they give away for free. 

On the flip side, a number of clans are out-and-out pirates, con artist rings, and, perhaps worst of all: rebroadcasting games without the express written consent of Major League Blazeball.

As a result, Skrau are generally seen as a problem waiting to happen, and are asked/forced to move along… or at least move out of the way.


While Skrau will proudly proclaim they have no rules or hierarchy, that’s not exactly true. Sure, those vary - sometimes wildly - from clan to clan, but it’s not like they don’t have some form of governance. 

Individual members are expected to contribute in some manner, so there’s a level of self-organization inherent in the jobs Skrau give themselves. Leadership tends to naturally ebb and flow, with impromptu councils forming when needed, and commanders taking charge in times of strife. How strictly clan members will listen to those proclaiming a decision, however, wildly varies from individual to individual and instance to instance. 

It is this free-form structure that has led to more than a few schisms, resulting in the creation of innumerable clans. And while they all consider themselves “Skrau,” the level at which they consult with each other is basically - when they feel like it, when expedient, and if they can remember the proper comms number to reach another party. Dialogue between groups is often… sporadic. Elders regularly organize into councils, which are regularly ignored by the younger members of the clan. 

In the event of conflict, allied clans gather together as “strife siblings,” sharing the common goal of mutual defense or coordinated attack… well… in theory. In practice, alliances are fragile things, and allies are just as likely turn on each other as they are to attack their enemies. Some clans do get along well, but the chaotic nature of Skrau politics can sour long-standing relationships in a moment.


The actual term “Skrau” has no definitive origin. The etymology of the word is virtually nonexistent, having appeared sometime in the distant past without attribute. There’s not even clan legends around the word; in a universe filled with myths and origin stories, “Skrau” just… is. Was? Maybe always has been.

Clan names are distinct. There is some evidence to suggest the names are chosen as an in-joke, but the clans also treat those names with the utmost sincerity. So if “Clan Skidmark” sounds ridiculous, and is meant to be ridiculous, its members don’t seem to be in on the laugh. 

There is a defined naming structure for the actual clan members, however. Clan members maintain their given name, but with a modifier bestowed upon them by the rest of the clan; the modifier is generally a descriptor based on some notable personal characteristic. “Adzoa the Cackler,” “Ry’elth the Spongey,” “Er-tuq the Grubby…” not necessarily very subtle.


Skrau technology is non-standard. Many clans - if not most - are scavengers, stealing or scrounging up random bits of hardware. The general Skrau ethos is to “make do,” and that is indeed what they do. 

A classic example is the so-called “garbage gun.” Who came up with it is debated, and there is no particular design. But the common thread is a battle rifle capable of being filled with crap, which is then compressed into a round. How effective this is varies, but it is resourceful.

For a number of years the Skrau lugged around a weapon dubbed “The Rifle of Dismay.” The origin is a little murky, but research suggests that a clan managed to snag a crate of small-batch prototype guns off a transport, and distributed/traded/lost them to other Skrau clans. They’re not as prevalent now, but you can still find copies lurking about amidst various clans. 


Skrau are a multi-species organization, and are willing to accept just about anyone - provided they can make themselves useful. Clans aren’t really concerned about whether you’re a four-armed Drin, or a one-eyed Techlopod. All types are welcome.

There’s a persistent legend amongst the clans that the Skrau are destined to rule the galaxy. “Rule” is maybe a bit of a strong word, but the Skrau are survivors. On a long enough timeline, who knows what the Skrau will be capable of?

Chris Robertson